WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Lisa McClain (R-MI) spoke on the House floor about the crisis at our southwest border.
For video of the remarks, go here.
Below is her speech as delivered:
Madam Speaker, I rise today because I am absolutely furious.
Every single day 5000 new illegal aliens cross our southern border. Every single day more men, more women and children are smuggled across our border and being trafficked. Every single day the drug cartels and human traffickers are raping and abusing our women and children.
One out of three of these women and children are being raped. I ask the administration this: how is that not a crisis?
For almost two months our nation has refused to call this a crisis, what is occurring at our border.
You cannot solve a problem unless you first admit there is a problem, and we have a problem.
This bill today does nothing to solve that problem or even acknowledge that we have a problem.
We as a Congress need to say in unison, “We have a crisis at our border.” Thank you.