Appropriations and NDAA Requests

Fiscal Year 2026 Community Project Funding, Programmatic Appropriations, and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Requests

Congresswoman McClain champions investments throughout Michigan’s 9th District that improves infrastructure, advances economic development, and promotes job growth.

Individuals and organizations wishing to request federal funding through the Congressional appropriations or NDAA process may submit an application by completing the corresponding form, which can be found below. Additional information may be requested to help justify your request. Please ensure all contact information is accurate.


Community Project Funding Requests – FY2026

The fiscal year (FY) 2026 federal appropriations process will include opportunities to fund local projects through Community Project Funding. This opportunity is available to non-profit entities and state and local governments.

CPF Request Form. Please submit your request by completing the form linked here.

Deadline. Please complete each section and submit your completed application no later than 5:00 PM on April 4, 2025.

Eligibility. Each appropriations subcommittee has issued a specific list of accounts with criteria for eligible CPF requests from eligible entities. Please consult the FY25 CPF Guidance (please note this guidance is subject to change) for additional information about these accounts and their requirements.

When submitting your requests, please keep the following in mind:

  • For-profit entities are not eligible to receive CPF.
  • Submissions of a request do not guarantee that your request will receive funding.
  • The information you provide may be subject to public disclosure requirements.
  • Please consult the FY25 CPF Guidance document for information on eligible accounts.
  • Each project request must be accompanied by three letters of support from individuals not affiliated with your organization.

Proposal Information. Please make every effort to fully complete every application question. Please identify to the best of your ability the account under which the CPF request would be funded.

Multiple Proposals. If your organization intends to submit multiple proposals, please complete and submit a separate application for each project request. Please rank the priority order of each proposal on behalf of your organization at the appropriate section in the application.

Questions? My staff is available to answer questions, provide feedback, or discuss proposals for submission. Please contact any of my offices or email with any questions.


General Appropriations Requests – FY2026

Aside from the Community Project Funding process, Members of Congress can submit programmatic and language requests in the FY2026 appropriations bills. These requests can support funding for various federal programs or direct agencies to take specific actions. The form can be found here. The deadline to submit is 5:00 PM on April 4, 2025.


National Defense Authorization Act Requests – FY2026

While not a member of the House Committee on Armed Services, Rep. McClain invites entities with ties to Michigan’s 9th District to submit requests for inclusion in the FY 2026 National Defense Authorization Act. The form can be found here. The deadline to submit is 5:00 PM on April 4, 2025.

Rep. McClain's FY25 Community Funded Project Requests can be found here.

Rep. McClain's FY24 Community Funded Project Requests can be found here.