WASHINGTON – With bipartisan support, the U.S. House of Representatives today approved Rep. Lisa McClain’s (R-Mich.) legislation, the Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese Communist Party (STOP CCP) Act. The bill imposes financial and visa sanctions on Xi Jinping and other members of the CCP.

“The Chinese Communist Party is our greatest geopolitical threat and a direct danger to our democratic way of life,” said McClain. “Leveling sanctions against Xi Jinping and the CCP leadership not only addresses their heinous acts, but also targets the actual individuals who are giving the orders. While the Biden-Harris administration stands idly by, it’s time we draw a line in the sand and say, enough is enough.”

The sanctions enacted by the legislation may be waived by the President only when the CCP has ceased its aggressive behavior towards Taiwan, political oppression of Hong Kong, genocide of ethnic minority groups, and attempts to steal U.S. intellectual property. The sanctions can also be waived if the sanctioned person renounces their membership in the CCP and takes steps to condemn or repair the CCP’s oppressive policies.

McClain introduced the STOP CCP Act in May 2023, and the bill was approved by the House Foreign Affairs Committee in March.

View McClain’s full floor speech on the bill here.